What we offer… explained.

Ever heard of this quirky nursery rhyme?

Gallery: The best FREE Six Doctors

Your 1st encounter with us…

  1. Forms to fill in ~ information about you & providing consent to receive a preliminary chiropractic assessment and treatment.

    These forms are available for you to download here. We strongly recommend having them completed, scanned/ photographed & sent to us (spinoconceptmelb@gmail.com) prior to attending the first consultation.

  2. Practice manager / assistant nurse guides you to a private consulting room where further health history screening will be carried out – summary of which is presented to Dr Lin.

  3. Unique examination system developed by Dr Lin, combining:

    a thorough history

    • review/interpretation of available X-Rays/CT/MRI &/or report

    • applied kinesiology

    • functional neurology

    • orthopaedic & chiropractic examinations

    • Postural evaluation

    • Movement & ROM analysis

    BOTH the symptomatic and non-symptomatic regions of your body may be examined. The aim is to 'map out' precisely how these different parts of your body may be interacting, silently compensating or interfering with each other, thereby better address the underlying root cause rather than smothering merely symptoms.

  4. Depending on assessment findings, and the nature and acuteness of your condition, often treatment may be initiated on your first visit. Otherwise, in the interests of your long-term health, treatment may be deferred until all investigation results are available.